The last few days I've been reading a fascinating book called "Delivering Happiness" by Tony Hasieh the CEO of an online company named Zappos.com. He revolutionised the way companies do business on the internet. The book was written by him and documents his career as an entrepreneur starting out as a young kid wanting to make his riches with his first enterprise consisting of a worm farm. Needless to say it failed miserably but from that day forward he began a wonderful journey of discovery to becoming a highly successful CEO of a $1.2 billion company.
His whole ethos is around delivering happiness, creating a WOW factor for his customers, his employees and anyone he does business with. The book has really struck a chord with me and got me thinking how could I create a WOW factor for my clients. Each week I sit in my office looking for ideas for my weekly blog to share with you, some of you email me back with feedback, which is always great to receive. But am I really creating a WOW for you? I'm not sure if I am and so this week I thought I would send out a question to you - "what would you like to receive from me each week?"
I'm not going to make any suggestions, I'm leaving the question open to you to respond. Please Click hereto give me your thoughts
Stay safe.